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Wings and Blocks

For almost 2 decades I had wings. Wings help lift you off the ground, can launch you to new and different places and can carry you forward. Wings have an almost magical power to transform you, transport you to find where you belong, where you can realize your potential, where you can grow.

Then the blocks were formed. These were blocks that created a stagnation, tolerance to things that should NEVER be tolerated and created both a sort of fear and oddly comfort that I can prove myself. The blocks where anchors. But not the good anchors that provide a strong foundations or solid footing, but a suffocating anchor that allowed you to come to the surface but frequently held you below the water. And my wings were soaked with despair.

How do I chip away at the blocks and find the release? How do I find the release from the oddly comfortable place trying to prove myself? I think my wings learned how to move under the surface, almost a reminder they were there and I could count on them to help my lift, launch and carry me – even when soaked with despair. And to release the blocks that kept me stagnant for so long, was to have faith in myself, trust the universe has my back and I must get back to realizing my own potential.

My wings are recovering from the hostile life. My wings are drying out. My wings are practicing to fly again. My wings have been there all along – I just needed to focus on them instead of the blocks.

As with anything in life, as I am reminded and keep reminding myself, what you focus on is what manifests. Now I choose to manifest my wings, learn the lessons of the blocks and looking to the testing my wings today and the places they will take me. ~ChaCha


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