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What Can One Do?

One can. One can do great things. The Power of One exists. Keep Faith.

One can change the world and those crazy enough to believe it will. I hope the young people who see their hope being voted away by people who only care about their own needs, and not of the needs of those whom they represent, will act and invoke the Power of One.

One day at a time. One person at a time. One cause at a time. One life at a time. One influence at a time. One influence becomes many. Many influences become a swell. A swell becomes a wave. A wave gains power in volume and speed. All from the One.

The Power of One can feel impossible. It can feel scary. It can feel impossible. Just remember the word impossible breaks down into “Im Possible”. And there in it lies the Power of One.

The Power of One feels like an uphill climb. Many are feeling the uphill climb. Remember when one lifts another one up, everyone can climb the hill to the top. And there in it lies the Power of One.

I believe in the Power of One. One can. One will. One will do great things. And remember, when the one becomes some, the Power of some. The some become many, the Power of the many. The many become the majority, the Power of the majority. It all starts with the Power of One. Keep faith my sweet angel. ~ChaCha


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