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Simply Simple

So much in our life is complicated. Relationships can be complicated. Families can be complicated. Society is complicated. Choosing the next trail to hike can be complicated. Where to spend your time and energy can be complicated. I have let the unsubstantiated thoughts that seep into my mind make things complicated. I have let others’ egos and influences make things complicated. Life can be complicated.

After spending many years and many experiences, rolling with the ups and downs of life, I am choosing simple, to be simply simple. It takes time and practice to not fall into the complications of life, relationships, families, society and yes, even trail selections. I’ve spent the last few years digging into my own self, my own mind and solidifying who I am.

Realizing who I am has helped me remove the clouds that fogged my mind and contributed to the complicated life. Realizing who I am has allowed me to find out what matters to me, where I find value, and where I want to spend and share my energy. That doesn’t mean complications never find me, they do.

Realizing who I am and what matters to me allows be to see more clearly where to spend my energy – and many results into a simple approach and to leave the complicated approach on the sidelines. Simply listen in complicated relationships. Simply accept my family. Simply accept it’s the differences in our society that make it robust and alive. Simply listen to where nature calls. Simply set boundaries where they need to be set. Simply be kind to myself to temper the thoughts that can get stirred up. Simply find the joy in the life. Simply be open to happiness. Simply love. Simply simple. ~Chacha


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