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Self-Care to Re-Energize

Self-care is so important and yet is often the one thing that we place on the side or on the back burner with some ease. There’s not enough time. It’s selfish. What would others think about my priorities.

I’ve not only heard them all, I have used all of these as an excuse to discard the need for self-care. I was wrong. There is time for self-care. It’s a good selfish because it means I am important to me. And it’s none of my business what others think of me.

After a particularly draining meeting today, I knew I needed to give myself some self-care and evaluate that situation. I reviewed the meeting, my words and action and some self-reflection on how I could have handled things better. I offered an apology on my words, which was met with more snarkiness. I fell into the rabbit hole of frustration and replaying. And then I caught myself. Thankfully self-awareness kicked in (or kicked my butt ….in either case, a good thing).

Why am I going to allow more energy be drained over this situation? Why would I beat myself up about something I have already reviewed, submitted my amends and looking to move forward? I did my self-reflection. I offered my apology. Just because the recipient wasn’t on board to accept it, that is no longer my issue to carry. That is self-care, to realize when it’s time to leave other’s issues at the door and move on.

Now I need to be selfish and re-energize myself. I now know and am mindful of interactions here to better protect my energy going forward. I must remember my energy protection tools to better manage and protect my energy going forward. Self-care says it’s okay to take the time to re-energize. Self-care says being selfish to re-energize makes you a better you going forward. Self-care says you’re worth the time. It’s time for some self-care. ~ChaCha


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