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Life Balanced

Life is short and while it is not easy, be sure to make the time for the wishes and the wants. I find spending time with wishes and wants has urged me to become more efficient in the first two. Spending time in the wishes and wants has led me to a dream book, which I now keep nearby as the inspiration could strike at any time. Spending time with wishes and wants is a gift I give to myself – for my own self-love and care. I have found that all four to intersect is rare in my life. And for many years, the first two listed were at the top of the list and the last two rarely saw the light of day. In the last couple of years, I have sporadically allowed the wishes and wants to make an appearance more and more. Life is short and while it is not easy, be sure to make the time for the wishes and the wants. I find spending time with wishes and wants has urged me to become more efficient in the first two. Spending time in the wishes and wants has led me to a dream book, which I now keep nearby as the inspiration could strike at any time. Spending time with wishes and wants is a gift I give to myself – for my own self-love and care. Maybe the milestone birthday has nudged me to change my mindset, change my approach, and move to live more balanced. To make the time for the wishes and wants, I have to choose carefully, give up being a people pleaser and learn to say no to focus on things that move me forward instead of spinning my wheels. Maybe the milestone birthday has nudged me to change my mindset, change my approach, and move to live more balanced. To make the time for the wishes and wants, I have to choose carefully, give up being a people pleaser and learn to say no to focus on things that move me forward instead of spinning my wheels. you. ~ChaCha


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