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Doing Things Differently

Insanity is doing the same things expecting different results – a synopsis of the famous Albert Einstein quote. And personally, I’m tired of the insanity. Maybe it’s the new year. Maybe it’s the new decade. Maybe it’s the need for a change. And insanity I’m speaking of isn’t quite the extreme as in true mental illness, but certainly different some level of insanity as I find myself doing much of the same as I have done a better part of my life. Don’t get me wrong, my life isn’t terrible, miserable or broken. Well, maybe a little broken – or at least some broken parts. And so, it’s time to do things differently.

Now being realistic here I know differently doesn’t mean a 180 - degree turn around and voila things are all good. It means there will be bumps, failed tries, steps forward and steps back. But to do things differently means the path will not be smooth. Trying new ways to do things, whether in life, in business, in relationships, its often things do not go as planned. And that’s okay. One key to doing things differently it being okay when the path isn’t smooth.

Doing things differently doesn’t mean the slate is wiped clean and you start from scratch. Of course, in life, some things may have worked or should have worked but any one thing could have steered the path off course. Doing things differently may look similar to the past with little changes here or there or maybe it looks brand new. Doing things differently means being open.

Making changes can be risky. Not life and death risky, but it can feel like it. Doing things differently can feel awkward, uncomfortable or even lonely. Not everyone may support you trying something new. Some may even try to talk you out of it, question what you’re doing or why you’re doing it, especially if your life appears a-okay. Doing things differently means being resilient to doubters, may involve taking risks and even standing out.

As the new year moves into full gear, if you want a different outcome, it’s time to start doing things differently. It’s not a guarantee of success in reaching you goals but it is taking steps toward them. And if a failed step, doing things differently may mean to keep going forward toward your goals. It may mean trying something you’d done before or even trying new. It may mean being questioned or even facing doubters. But keep faith doing things differently will set you on the right path to a new way. New outcomes. New dreams. New ways. It’s time to do things differently. One step at a time. ~ChaCha


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