Acceptance - A Pathway to Peace
The path to acceptance is a journey. For some the journey to acceptance means they learn about themselves or the community around them. For others, it’s done in solitude as a way to find a better place of existence. For others, it’s learning there are many around who love and care about them to help ease the journey. The journey is worth it.
The phases for dealing with grief, loss, regret, and past instances are rarely linear. It’s a back and forth, jump around until you’ve exhausted all possibilities or just get tired of it all. And then you may arrive at acceptance.
The first journey is hard. I have found that resistance to the journey is the overarching theme. However, you learn a lot about yourself when you finally give in realizing you are taking the journey whether you are ready or not. You can learn the tools to assist you in recognizing, reflecting, releasing, and rolling forward.
Rest assured, change and the journey to acceptance become a part of life. People pass, relationships end, careers change, new homes are found, and on and on. There will be more instances in life where the journey to acceptance will need to be traveled – use the tools, give yourself space, and rely on your community for your journey. You are not alone.
There is truth in the quote In Acceptance There is Peace. I wish you peace on your journey of acceptance. ~ChaCha