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A New Adventure

The turning of the clocks and calendar to the New Year always brings a reflection of the past and a wonderment of what’s to come. I think it’s human nature to not want to repeat the negatives of the past and to hope for only positives for the future.

If only life were so easy. And sometimes it is. And sometimes it’s not.

I know in the past I have fallen into the same type of thinking. What all went wrong in the last year or two (yes, packing in two given the pandemic way of life folks are becoming familiar whether we like it or not). But what went well? I agree we should learn from the lessons of errors of the past but let’s also celebrate the successes. Write them down and reflect on those. And if you reflect on the past, write the lesson and let the rest go.

I know in the past I have fallen into the same type of thinking. What can be the greatest things to happen in the new year - goals, resolutions, do more good things, positive, positive, positive …. And the reality is aim for all good things and when they aren’t, what good has come out it? What did you learn about yourself? And don’t forget to get back into the game to continue to reach of those goals and more good things.

This year I’ve decided to see the new year as a new adventure. I don’t know what will happen, I can only work on myself, my actions, my reactions, and my decision to see the good and the lesson in the adventures of the coming year. I can only exercise excitement when I’m happy, exercise patience when I’m in a hurry, exercise grace when I make a mistake or when things do not go the way I hoped and exercise compassion towards others. How will you choose to lead into the new year?

I’m leaving the door open to new adventures, new opportunities, new connections, new love of things and people, new ways of life and ready, with gratitude, for the adventures of the new year. And I send good energy your way for great adventures in the new year! ~ChaCha


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