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Real Love

A couple weeks back I saw a post on social media and it stated “Does true love really exist?”. How about that to gnaw on for a while. My guess is if you haven’t yet thought out it much, you may now. Of course my first thought is yes, it must exist. And then I jumped into my own mind of what I learned about it and what my memories told me about it. And in doing that review, all I can remember about what I learned about true love is that it is something you get, possibly get from another or another gives to you. And while that is very much what I learned and believed for so long, I also realized it not quite correct. Now before you jump all over it, hang on with me. Yes, my guess is most of us have the “true love” teaching of something that is given to you by another. And yet so many heartaches and heartbreaking stories of true love lost. Why? Because we rely on another to give it to us. So my mind started racing to find an example of true love that did last. And what came to mind wasn’t about something I had received but about what I give. True love is about giving - giving without condition - giving without worry- giving without expectation - giving. If you can learn to give and not expect anything in return, the feeling of love is rich, deep, rewarding, and cannot be taken away - it is then true love. True love begins inside each of us. What do you believe about love - is it something you receive or give? What do you feel about love - expectation or acceptance? What do you know about when true love exists - somebody seeing what’s in it for them or happiness for somebody else? We learn about love as we grow up, by our surroundings and the people around us. Babies only know to give love & don’t yet understand the receiving side. Children know to give love but also learning from those around them. It’s not until we grow older do the expectations and idea of what we receive about love sets in.  

We can shift our mindset on love to find true love . It’s not easy to get there. It will not only take many heartbreaks of not receiving what we want in love but a willingness to step back and truly see the love in giving; see that true love give and accepts without condition. And I have found that once I accepted the new idea of true love, then I was able to see and experience true love by giving and finally open to receiving love from another without expectation, worry or condition. True love does exist - who do you truly love? ~ChaCha 

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