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The Power of Intention

During my meditation today, the word intention settled with me. The power of intention is everywhere, yet few people can see or feel it. Over 4 years ago I set an intention. Probably one of the first times I had willing thought about it and verbalized it. And I can remember the abundant energy that consumed me as I sat in a late summer field, filled with flowers and energy, in an old glacial lake.

The intention was to be open to a particular person. And while that intention seemed simple, the intention remained in me and I feel like the energy that came with it guided me along that journey with that person. And like many, that journey came to an end but the tie of intention remained. And so the journey to change that intention - to untie myself to a particular person but to set a new intention to all people that God and the universe bring across my path. And when the time comes for the paths to part, to do so with a good heart and positive energy. The power of intention draws the energy within and draws upon the energy around you. At that moment I was deep into self awareness and the power of nature and believe in the power of self awareness & nature only gives energy. I still hold those beliefs to be true, and so I can feel the energy of intentions set. When I think about that original location I sat in, that part of earth that had gone through tremendous change and turmoil to end up being a beautiful sanctuary to see & feel with abundant energy. It just shows how much energy and our environment - inside ourselves and outside ourselves- can influence the power of the intention and our environment. So I know the location of setting intention can have just as much impact in my life as the intention itself. So next time you find yourself along a path in life where you’re unsure, just pause a moment, think about what it is you intent in your life, find a place of peace and set your intention, out loud. Then be ready and keep your eyes open for the power of intention to appear. ~ChaCha 

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