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Live Today

Today has already been a whirlwind day at is is barely 9am. Taking a moment to breath, meditate what comes to mind today is how on earth did I last the days, weeks and years living in the past and the future --and almost completely missing the present. I worried so much about what could or would happen in the future. I would beat myself up about mistakes or could have, should have of the past. Living today takes up so much of my time and focus - I am finding I no longer have time to dwell in the past or worry about the future. And I am thankful for finding my inner "me" and choosing to be fully aware of it --good, bad and ugly-- and choose to live today. 

Living in the past or the future was hard. Painful at times. Disappointing. Unfulfilling. Empty. Beating yourself up about mistakes made doesn't fix them. Finding the lesson & being aware from those mistakes makes you wiser. Setting expectations and wanting to control the future rarely ever meets the mark. In fact it often leads to disappointment and feelings of failure. Seeing the future as an adventure and believing the universe (your God or what you believe) makes no mistakes sets a path of acceptance and peace. Finding the opposite of how I lived for so many years has made living today exciting, fulfilling and joyful, yes even through the lessons of mistakes made today. Live for today takes time. Practice. Awareness. Determination. Compassion. Effort. So try it out for a few days, until it becomes a habit. Find awareness and give that your attention. So many great things are in store. Today was meant to be lived. And living is what life is all about. ~ChaCha 

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