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No Room for Quitting

Now I have failed quite a bit in some of the my goals recently and while some of my inner thoughts are leading to quitting, I am reminded why I began this journey. While I know I am one of many in the sea of amateur writers, I am not expecting to have a slam dunk impact on the world. My goals is simple and I have to remind myself. My goal is one. Just one. To touch or impact one person in this journey then my goal is achieved. Any impact to any another person, any sharing of this blog or otherwise is just a bonus. Yes, I had set a goal to write every day. Seems like a simple goal and yet finding it very difficult to do. The challenges of time, ideas, thinking too much of the future and general unfocused approach has been my last few weeks. And to quit would be easy. And relieve me of goals. However, I am reminding myself why I began this. As I approach the one year mark decision to embark on this journey, I am reminded of why I began this. My Why. My Why is You. You are my Why. So I can't quit. I have to get myself focused, again. And that's okay. I am blessed with a tomorrow and my Why will drive me. Just remember your Why and there is no room for quitting. You will achieve. I will achieve. Simple as that (and I hate to be wrong.) ~ChaCha 

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