Rubber Band Change
Change is not easy. In fact, for some people it's nearly impossible. And for others it's a toe dip into the world of change and right back to the old ways. And for others try it for a while but spring back to old habits. I had read once that a change in a habit takes 24-30 days of continuous, daily work to make it stick. I, for one, know this to be true. I'm guessing the star students may be able to do so in a shorter period of time or possibly not require the daily work but I am not one of those start students. I am a rubber band changer. My first attempt at change will be to first place in my mind, dwell on it for a while and just spin that rubber band around my wrist for a while. I will often try it out once and see what it is about, how much work is involved. Does the zap of the change hurt? When it does, I give it rest but the rubber band of change is still spinning on my wrist.Â
I know myself well enough to know that I like lists. I like to see what I need to do. I like the satisfaction of the check mark. And as strange as it may sound, the visual acceptance when I see a cross mark on something I did not accomplish. Enough of the check marks really get me moving and stretch out my rubber band of change. At the same time, the cross marks motivate me to revisit my rubber band of change. Each day of change is stretching out that rubber band. Each day of change and each day of stretching where the rubber band doesn't snap me back encourages me to keep stretching and changing. On those days where the rubber band of change does snap me back, the first time stings and may deter me. I often retreat. And eventually those cross marks make me think it through again. Did it really sting that bad? Did I really give it a chance? So often I will try again -- possibly right away or at some delayed. moment. And in time, stretching the rubber band of change, the rubber band stretches so the zap back really isn't a zap and the change becomes a habit where I don't have to refer to my list (though secretly I still like the list and the check marks). Before I know it, the rubber band of change is so worn in and stretched out it doesn't even fit my wrist anymore. Ahh .... The feeling of accomplishment to enjoy...until the next rubber band of change enters my mind. ~ChaChaÂ