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Fulfillment - Is It Possible?

A question posed today to a group of folks was "Where have you looked for fulfillment?". It was a rhetorical question to this group of folks but it certainly sent my mind into a spinning mess. I supposed first I thought of what was fulfillment? In many cases it is where you feel complete or content. But that doesn't always mean a long lasting feeling, it very well could be a temporary situation or a period of time that allows me to move on from a particular situation. And for many fulfillment could come from people that we trust or feel a connection with to help in a situation. Fulfillment could come from a place of peace and solitude. And fulfillment could come from having accomplished something or achieved a goal. Each has a unique impact in our lives and could be independent of each other or combined in some way to complete the quest of fulfillment. I think the question posed today was intended for the first option noted above. Fulfilled by a person can be a slippery slope depending on your own situation. I think we have heard many times happiness can only truly be found within. I do believe fulfillment is along the same lines. The choice we make and step we take are part of that equation of fulfillment. Likewise, how each of us react to things in life is individual to the person and the situation. Where one would assume a fulfilling interaction, another may not have the same resulting feeling. So what does fulfillment with other people mean? Is it finding comfort? Is it feeling at home? Is it feeling trust with the other person? Is it somebody who is there and can see the real you? Is it feeling safe? Is if feeling challenged to move on to the next step? What are other aspects to consider? Is it some or all of the above? This question really has me thinking about past and current situations. People who have come into my life as the quintessential phrase states - for a reason, a season or lifetime- very well could play into this. And I am certain each situation is unique.  

Fulfillment is a very unique and personalized answer. No right answer, no wrong answer but certainly many ways to experience it. Be you, be open, experience it your way and remember fulfillment may come from unexpected people. ~ChaCha 

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