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Sometimes I wonder where my tendency to over trust people turns into just being gullible. I think my desire to believe in people and my desire to only see the good in people tends to make me fall into 'the easily persuaded to believe something' description of gullible. I would say I have known this about me for a while and it comes up like a revolving door ---every so often my opportunity to review what is happening shows up. Every few incidents I notice a similar patter of the ability to trust to the point of being gullible and then feel the false outcome. Then I rethink my desire to trust and see the good in people. And recognized once again I am gullible. And then like the main character from 50 First Dates, which her memory is limited to one day, I find myself accept the fact that I trust people, that I want to see the good in people and that I am gullible. I am sure I'll re-evaluate it again and again but when I think of the alternative. I know many people that don't trust anybody, even their own self and live in an emotional isolation. Is that what I want? I know many people who can only see the faults and errors in people, and rarely themselves. And focusing on the faults of folks takes away from time to see good qualities and potential in people. I know some who pride themselves on not being gullible and often it is a very narrow existence. I suppose to allow yourself to be open enough to fall into the category of gullible comes with some risks and many choose to not take those. 

I choose to trust people, not unconditionally but with a balances vision, because I believe that putting a good energy of trust will offer the opportunity for the trust to be manifested into reality. And I choose to see the good in people because I know good will perpetuate good and if all we see is the negative in people that will perpetuate equally, just in a direction I would not choose. And I am okay with being gullible because I test my own resilience to realize when it is happening, I learn when to say enough is enough to and I have the opportunity to feel something good and positive even for the limited moments. Where some would characterize being gullible as a fault, I see it as a way to enjoy the good moments, learn from the not so good and be open to feel in a world that is slowly disconnecting. Here's to the gullible people out there! ~ChaCha                                       

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