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A Voice

How many times have you see something that you know is not right? How many times has a person of a high pay grade create an atmosphere of intimidation? How many times have you felt without a voice to speak up for what is right? How many times have you felt there was no person to hear when you have the courage to speak? Unfortunately in this world of egos and arrogance, I have experiences this one too many times. And while the aura of intimidation appeared to be wavering, the aura continues in one of my 'worlds'. About three years ago the aura of intimidation was thick as molasses. I had expressed my concerns, experienced a hostile environment and essentially was asked to adjust how I react to situations as the only solution and brush it under the rug. And to some extent, part of that was correct, I had to adjust how to react to the situations. But my voice was shut down. My right to speak up for what is right was shut down. My belief that somebody would listen was squashed like a bug. Shut down. Now I am a product of my mother, and while that may not mean much to many, but essentially it means that I don't give up easily. I had to push through, experience some terrible things and while the outcome was very close to "sweeping it under the rug" it was not without a needed change. Not without mustering up some courage to speak up. And a change in environment, to say the least, was a welcomed reprieve from the hostility.  

And even now, years later, the attempt to silent the voices who want to stand up for what is right still exists and continues. The atmosphere of making people feel insignificant exists. The culture of being able to speak freely has been diminished. And it is yet to be determined if anybody is willing to listen to the voice that is trying to right the culture of injustice in today's day. Being a realist, which I had not been my previous go-arounds, yes, that is plural, I understand I am on an uphill battle. The mountain to climb is tall and I expect there will be many rainfalls, slippery slopes and chances I will fall flat on my face but it won't stop me. I will get back up. I will speak my voice. I no longer worry if somebody will hear me since the universe will hear me. I have the courage. If the culture doesn't change, I will have worked to make a culture change or make the decision to find a new culture. I have a voice. Period. ~ChaCha 

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