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Learning from Nature

One of my favorite places to be is out in nature. I found my connection with nature many, many years ago. I found a place of peace, belonging and acceptance and have learned from nature. For you, it may be a familiar place of your childhood, a family or friend association or it may be Mother Nature as well. And maybe your special place you have learned as well. One of the reason I have falling in love with nature is for the lessons nature teaches day in and day out. Think about it next time you really take a look at the nature around you. If you're in the forest or state park, trees are battling for space, reaching for the sun to grow and survive. Eventually some trees succumb to old age and become the nutrients for another tree while others give way to make room for others. Animals and insects living in harmony with the trees and bushes being both a pollinator to help the vegetation flourish and being the fertilizer to help vegetation grow strong. Nature working in harmony is something I learn from nature. Have you ever driven down a road and a flower or plant creeping up from a crack in the pavement? How can that be? Nature is resilient finding a way in the most uncommon places. And once I get past the question of how that can be, I smile knowing that was a reminder to learn to be resilient and success even at times when the odds are against me. Nature thriving even when you would think otherwise. I also see nature teaching to plant yourself where you want to grow. I have a couple planters on my back patio and usually at least one of them sprouts up some flower that I had not planted. Somehow nature finds a way to make itself at home, sometimes not even in a place it was invited or you would expect to find it. Nature teaches me to be strong enough to take root and grow. Learn to work in harmony, be resilient and persevere even in tough times and find the place you're comfortable and make roots to grow. Watch nature for the lessons to learn from. Nature really can teach us a lot if we are willing to open our hearts and eyes to see. ~ChaCha  

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