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What Does it Mean to Live?

One of the definitions of "live" according to Merriam Webster dictionary is to have a life rich in experience. I read an article recently that said live life to its fullest. To its fullest? Is there some sort of formula to it? Any sort of manual to go with that? Of course not and to each person, that life of rich experiences means different things. If you asked me in the 20's, life would be exploring and stretching some boundaries to try things I wish I had in my earlier years. I was a very cautious person for so many years and to put myself to the test to live was a tough one. Eating dinner at a restaurant alone - what would people thinks is wrong with me? Flying to a city to explore - was that a safe thing to do? Buying a house too big for just me - what was I thinking? Yet, I tested the boundaries of what I could or should do even with more questions than answers. If you asked me in my 30's, life would be all consuming about my kids. And I love being a mom and taking care of my kids. It also offered the excuse and escape to continue to test the boundaries I had begun in the 20's so things came to a bit of a standstill in that side of life. But life was joyful from the kids' laughter and seeing life through a child's eyes, which also gave me the "do-over" to be like a kid at times, and to watch the kids succeed and fail, learn and build resilience to life. So while I did think I was hiding away from exploring during those years, I also began seeing a new way to live. Now in my 40's, I have the opportunity to go back to testing the boundaries, but with a new type of caution. Caution is that if I don't try this now, tomorrow is never guaranteed. Life will never offer the perfect time to do something and I am meant to live -- have a life rich in experience. So instead of saving that favorite scent of soap for the "right time" - I'm using it now. So instead of waiting for the perfect day to go to the city for fun, I'm making a date with my kids to go have fun in the city now. So instead of hoping there will be time in the future for that family vacation, I'm making the time now to enjoy vacation now. It's easy to think there will be a better time in the future to live life but we are meant to live it every day. Each and every day. So next time you're thinking of waiting - ask yourself: What are you waiting for? And what if that never happens - then what? And if you don't have a tomorrow, what would you do today? What do you think? What ideas to live do you have? Share in the comments! 

Live and enjoy the rich experiences each and every day. ~ChaCha 

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