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Why No "Why"?

We live in a logical world. Everything is supposed to make sense and then we make decisions from there. Life happens in a sequence we have been programmed to accept. When life goes off track, we need the logical reason why. So this is what we believe should happen, and yet very rarely does it actually happen this way. In looking at some of the strains and stresses in my life, I find that many are not so much the situation itself but the fact those situations rarely fit into one of those logical instances noted above. Much of the stress is trying to figure out how to make something, that makes no sense, to fit into something that does make sense. It's what I'm supposed to do, right? It's what we are all supposed to do, right? I have a couple instances were somebody who I was very close to just fell out of my life. No reason. I don't know why. I would spend my time, my energy, my mind re-hashing what happened. What did I do to spur somebody to leave my life without any warning or reason? What is wrong with me? I would play it over and over in my mind often coming with no concrete answer or reason why. I couldn't identify a big fight or a missed special occasion. I was trying to fit what happened into some logical answer and reason why. A few months ago I finally let go of the "why" and just accepted that is what was meant to be. I think that is what faith is - letting go of the why and just let it be. I still poke on it from time to time but in the end, I go back to the fact I am not meant to know "why" it happened but I am meant to accept that is what was supposed to happen. As one relationship ended, one I had such high hopes and future plans, I am working on applying the same principles. While my heart and head are taking me into the desire to know "why", I am finding that I will never know "why". The person I was involved with didn't even know "why" so that path of logical closure will never occur. I do have to accept the fact that is is over, learn my lesson, pack away the good times and move forward with my life. It's not easy and still poke around looking for that "why" but I am much better at remembering it will never be know and that is okay. We live in a society of logic running our minds and hearts. And to that I say --where logic fits, by all means go for it and try to make sense. And for other areas, where there is no reason, there is no "why", or the feelings exist that make no sense, just feel it, just experience it, just learn from it, just accept it. Not everything is supposed to make sense or be logical. It's okay and life will be okay if you let it. The old quote "In acceptance, there is peace" is not just a quote, but can be a way of life if you choose it. I wish you all peace in an illogical yet logical focused world. ~ChaCha 

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