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Carpe Diem! Seize the Day!

It's a phrase you here many times and yet sometimes I scratch my head because I forget what it means. It's interesting how some things in my life I'm able to see is that a jump in blind, take on a project or execute a task with no worries, concerns, or issues. I guess that's what they mean by seize the day! But does it guarantee success? Why is seizing the day so easy for some & not others. Or easy for some tasks but not others?  And the answers more often then not is the fear of failure. We live in a society that enjoys watching people fail. There are television shows about it such as Bloopers and many movies we enjoy have outtakes. And while these are benign enjoyment of missed lines, it is an indication that failures sometimes triumph over successes. When we recognized it's our Ego that more times than not keeps us back, wants to avoid the failure and the judgment that society often takes on us, we choose the safe route for fear of being bruised and avoid the judgements in life.  Until we can tell our Ego to step aside, recognize life it too short and it's okay to have a few bruises here and there since there will also be sparkles and highlights, we stay on the sidelines of seizing the day.    When I am willing to put my Ego it's its place (and not the other way around) then I am able to see that there will always be success in seizing the day - either in the form of achieving the goal or task set or in learning the lesson of the failure or miss. Both are successes - guaranteed. Carpe Diem doesn't guarantee the outcome you desire but it does mean putting yourself out there, taking a risk and appreciating the unknown outcome - success (outcome desired) or success (lesson learned). Carpe Diem - the day is yours. ~ChaCha

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