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Reason and Purpose

How many times have we heard that? Everything in life has a purpose. All things happen for a reason. And how many times have we shrugged it off. We may stop for the moment after something happens to try to make sense of things. We may think about why something happened to answer the question "why?". And often those times are to ease an emotion or explain something and once that has happened, the thought process ends. So I ask the question - is that the only reason we stop to think about it. Or is there something more we should be thinking about. Life isn't a series of single events and actions but a continuum of events, circumstances, reasons and purpose. If you had asked me this question 30 years ago, I would be described as above and seeking an answer just for the purpose of setting my mind at ease. If you had asked me this question ten years ago, I would have wanted to get the answer to explain what was happening and a reason why but I found myself pondering the questions longer.... what could I learn, what was I supposed to learn but I was only willing to scratch the surface for fear of what I would find or see. And now, I am finding myself not only asking the questions I asked ten years ago but able to face whatever the explanation including seeking the areas I need to look at within me, the energy that I am giving and truly look at the purpose and reason for the events in my life. And not only look at them, evaluate them, learn from the positive & negative aspects, and take responsibility for my role. From that introspective look, and in time, I will put the pieces of this continuum together and the purpose will be revealed. I know it's not easy and the reasons and purpose may not always align with what I wish for but I do know they are all leading me in the direction I am supposed to go. And to trust myself that I am on the right path of my purpose and all the events along the way have a reason. For everything does have a reason and a purpose. ~ ChaCha 

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