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It Is Okay to Feel

So many times in life, something sad or tragic happens and you don't know where to go from that event. Even when it's known it will eventually happen or are aware of somebody's health failing, a relationship on the rocks or a friendship fading away, it is still difficult to let go or know what to do next. And much of how we respond to these types of events are rooted in what we learned in our early years by watching other people in our lives deal with these events. I feel like I'm dealing with this more than I like but it's okay. In today's world of being positive and showing gratitude, I think sometimes people forget feeling sad or feeling a loss is a part of life. It's not that I've forgotten to be positive or show gratitude, it's the balance we each need in our life to deal with sadness or loss. To those who expect people to be positive and show gratitude 24/7, I'm calling you out. It's not realistic if you are a human being with blood running through your veins and emotions running through you mind. It's not realistic for me who has lost my sister, who has lost a marriage, who is unhappy at work in recent days and is human. And (not "but") it's okay. I've told my friends and family and I've repeatedly told myself not only is it okay to feel sadness and loss, it's needed to feel those emotions just as important as feeling positive and gratitude. An animated movie was made about this idea where the character wanted her human to only feel joy, but the human's life fell apart anyway and the emotion joy had to learn to share with the other emotions such as sadness and loss. Just like the movie, I have to let each of my emotions have a turn so they can work together and not against each other. It's okay. I had a friend tell me once his sadness was about something that most would say isn't a big deal - it wasn't a death and it wasn't a major catastrophe. And to him I said if it's a big deal to you, then it's a big deal. Sadness and loss is not a competition on who has it worse or what event is more worthy of those feelings over another event. Sadness and loss are just that - sadness and loss. And you should never be denied of how you feel or let others dictate what is important or worth of such feelings. Feel what you feel for the time period needed. It's okay. I do believe you need to feel what you feel and be caution of getting stuck in any one emotion. Just like someone who stays solely in the positive and gratitude side is not good thing, staying in the sad or feeling of loss side isn't either. It's all about balance. Feel but be sure to keep the balance. And if you find yourself getting into a rut of sad, reach out. Everyone, whether they want to admit it or not, has been there. Everyone has gotten stuck at some point in their life. It's okay. Feel. Simple as that. Feel because you are human. Feel your emotions as they are. Feel because it is okay. ~ChaCha 

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