Being You
I receive articles from various online subscriptions & one recently stuck with me. It focuses on being genuine.
I find it interesting that so many things we learn about life in our younger years push us into blending in and mainstream into society. That's not to say being a deviant is the recommended alternative but what is missing is offering the environment to be your genuine self. As we age, our genuine self most often will reveal itself and society is less critical of being genuine.
So what is your genuine self? For me, I know my genuine self is me at home, me with close friends, me having an opinion, me being silly and sarcastic at times, me being emotional and be living a bit on a whim just to name a few traits. It is the spark that makes me unique & special. What is yours?
And there is a version of me that puts a lid on some of these traits or tempers the traits down because then I don't fit in. Do you do the same?
When I was struggling with a small group (or what seeemed a tag team) at work during a period in my life, the harder I tried to keep the "tempered down" version of me in place, but the more my genuine self would seep out. I was not only in conflict with things in my workplace & causing a tremendous amount of stress, I was struggling equally with not being myself & that fact also caused conflict within me. My genuine self was screaming (internally of course) 'This isn't right and if this was happening to a friend, I wouldn't be tolerating this'.
In time I gave the power back to my genuine self. I stopped tolerating things at work. And my genuine self was back. Not only at home, but everywhere I went. People noticed. Comments were made. And those closest to me saw my genuine self had returned. I felt the stress lift & an inner peace set in. It was so much easier being my genuine self.
Always be your genuine self. That is who you really are. Being able to live out your genuine self will help in your every day. Being you, your genuine self is who you deserve to be. ~ChaCha