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People with a Reason

Today was another crazy day - juggling many things & making the time for a special birthday - and a hidden message of people are brought into our life for a reason.

When I was young my special person would tell me people come into your life for a reason. There are no mistakes there. Over time instead of dwelling on why some people come & go, why some stick around for a while & why some remain, I've shifted thinking to the reason.

At dinner today, my very silly son was just full of life, full of stories, full of giggles & has us laughing. While I cannot say I know all the reasons I was blessed with my son, I do know he's meant to bring me smiles & remind me not take life so seriously.

I know some folks are meant to challenge us, learn from, bring comfort or just a smile. All of those reasons are not always as apparent or reveal themselves at the same time but I just need to be patient, keep my eyes open and the reasons will be revealed someday.

And until then, I will just enjoy the people in my life for the time they remain. ~ChaCha

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