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I was just watching a live Facebook feed of a page I follow from time to time. I hadn't planned to watch the feed & personally glad I did. Inspiration but one small act.

In listening to this live feed, the person was speaking of really evaluating what's important in life. Where our role as humans to decide to choose a positive energy or a negative energy. And not worry about those who want to knock you down. 3 simple concepts that can be so difficult at times.

In evaluating life, what is going to get you to a peaceful & happy place? What is really important and long lasting? We live in a changing society of short term gains, instant gratification & a social media that heightens the need for acceptance with likes, 💜, thumbs up and such. But really figure out what's important for YOU. Inspire to choose what matters.

And the next step is to choose positive energy or negative energy. The old saying "misery loves company" is so true. How many time have you been in a conversation that leads to complaining & takes off from there but rarely solves anything. Rarely does a positive, friendly conversation get as much attention or momentum. Yet, positive energy feels better inside & can be enlightening. While not always apparent, positive energy feels better for others as well. We need a "positive" movement to change the tides. Be the face a positive energy. Inspire the positive side of life.

And with that positive energy, when those who want to knock you down to lift themselves up try to knock you down, it won't work. And my experience has been most who want to knock you down are often hurt, sad or down themselves. Don't feed into it and don't defend against something you don't have to prove. Do charge up the positive energy, positive posts and build a resilent nature. Watch for the "knock down" signs & be ready to deflect it & respond with positive energy. Inspire resilience.

And believe it or not, inspiration will spread, not only by words, but in action. It's doesn't take celebrity, it doesn't take money, and it doesn't take others acceptance to be inspirational. Anyone can be inspirational-YOU & I can be inspirational- whether one time, sometimes, all the time. The question is how do you choose to inspire?

Thank you to the Facebook feed for my inspiration today. Wishing you a positive & peaceful day! ChaCha

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