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Plans In Life

Do you ever wonder what life would be like if your plans in life all came to be? Do you ever wonder what you would have missed if your plans all came to life? Do you ever wonder if the ideal life you planned was as ideal as you thought?

As I know, and surely you have experiences as well, life plans most often don’t go quite the way you planned out or the way you wished it would work out. I, for one, had the naïve thoughts that if I do a, then b, then c in life, all the rest of the parts would fall into place. And even more naïve to believe it was that it would be easy. Well, my 20’s certainly proved that was not going to be the case. And while my late 20’s seems to be falling into place, it didn’t take long for my early 30’s to reveal – I was wrong. In spite of trying my hardest to ignore the unseen forces moving my life in a different direction, I held on to the ideal. I hung on with a death grip and it almost lead to a full death to my own self worth and beliefs.

I knew I couldn’t get through this acceptance that my plans were not going to be seen to the end on my own. I believe one of the greatest gifts I gave myself, without even realizing it at the time, was to seek out help to talk about this failed life plan, how to deal with the death of that life plan and how to find a place of acceptance. It was a long journey, where I rebounded letting my thoughts go back to that dream life, and after time I found I would snap back to reality quicker than the previous time. But I knew I had to keep my reality to my present moments even though thoughts of my planned life danced around in my mind.

And many years later, I can look at my life as the young me had planned and be grateful that it didn’t come to be. I can look at my life and see I didn’t miss something I wasn’t supposed to have. And I can see that my ideal life wasn’t really meant for me but for some person who never really existed. I am exactly where I am supposed to be. I learned to live in the present. Not in the past and not in the future. In full disclosure, I do still struggle a bit with trying to know the future – remnants of my perfectionism quest which I am still looking to abandon but we’ll save that for another day.

Live in the present; Live for today; Live for today’s plan. Live for the life intended and planned out just for you, just not planned by you. Whether you believe in God, a higher power or even the universal energy or spirit, in spite of our quest for control of our life plan, we must learn to roll with the present sent our way. I believe we can give good energy and if it’s in the plan to receive it back now, then watch for it as much as watching for the challenges we didn’t plan for and know there is a reason for it, it’s in the life plan intended for you.

When my mind wanders back to the days of the plans in life that I had planned, I realize the life I have, challenges and all, is far better and more fulfilling than anything I could have imagined. I am living out a plan for life created just for me. The present is just that, a present, just for me. ~ChaCha

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