One Person's Dream ....
One fascinating aspect of humans is the ability to dream. In a majority of instances it’s during the subconscious period when we are fast asleep and the mind is free to expand into ideas, fantasy and the impossible. In the lesser instance, dreams are during our conscious periods when we let our minds wander to what could be, the “what if” state of mind. And much fewer instances, dreams are the ideas we take root, groom and bring to life.
Well, I for one am one who has spent a majority in my life in the comfort zone, the familiar, the less risky and in my opinion the mundane. It was the safe place that was instilled in mind and understandably by one who had volatility in their life and only wished security and stability for me. For that care, I love her and for that box I was placed in, I cringe. Moments in my earlier life and more so in the last ten years, I’ve found my mind spending more time in the second instance, the daytime dreaming of “what if” state of mind. The more time I’ve spent in the “what if”, the more I felt my heart and mind tugging at bringing a dream to root.
So how do you make a dream root? I will never claim to be the poster child for this answer. In fact I’d probably be the Glamour magazine example of the “don’t” with a black bar across my eyes to hide my identity. But I would be the poster child of dedication and persistence to not let go.
So how do I get my dreams to root? First, I began by carrying around a notebook. It dubbed as my to-do-list and in between those lists I would jot down my dreams. The dream pages never quite received the check box like the to-do-list but it also allowed me to keep revisiting and add more and more to help it take shape. In fact, my dream pages remain even when my to-do-list would eventually be removed. No matter the situation, I have my notebook with me. So I am ready to continue with helping my dream take root.
So when do you plant that root? I’d love to say there will be a sign broadcasting when to do it, how to do it and that success is guaranteed. Unfortunately that is now quite how it works. However, I can say that dedication to your dream and persistence in that pursuit will get you there. Plant your root, be dedicated to feeding your root, modifying so your root has the best chance to grow and give it lots of love. And while I would love for my dream that is in root mode to flourish in the years to come, right now I am happy that I have taken the first steps to bring my dream to life. Thanks to my trusty notebook and dedication. You can see your dreams come to life too. ~ChaCha