Standing Here – Baring it All
Vulnerable. This is a word that used to be a rare word that sat in the background of life and grateful Brené Brown helped bring this...

In scrolling through an app, the following quote just stuck with me. “The best thing to hold onto in life is each other” by Audrey...

Simply Simple
So much in our life is complicated. Relationships can be complicated. Families can be complicated. Society is complicated. Choosing...

Open or Close?
This morning I was sitting in quiet meditation and was doing a quick rundown of my own self with one question. Is “this” part of my mind...

Company that Uplifts
Lately, life has been moving lighting fast. I’m not sure if it’s because of the unfolding of the sheltered life the last year plus? Or...

Start Where You Are
These days my brain is working overtime, being pulled in many directions and often skipping around like a small rubber bounce ball in a...

Act - Make the Decision
One of my goals this year was to act. While I’m sure some of you would find it humorous if I were to take the stage and take a stab at...

Be the Butterfly
As many are emerging from the year of reflection, maybe not on purpose but many have noted the last 12 months and events of this world...

Wings and Blocks
For almost 2 decades I had wings. Wings help lift you off the ground, can launch you to new and different places and can carry you...

Self-Care to Re-Energize
Self-care is so important and yet is often the one thing that we place on the side or on the back burner with some ease. There’s not...